Saturday, March 27, 2010


By Nina Hachigian

Robert Kagan's opinion piece in The Washington Post last week was right about one thing - President Barack Obama is indeed moving away from America's national security appproach of 1947. It is about time. That strategy was designed for the Cold War, which we won 20 years ago. It simply cannot work today, as we found out the hard way during the Bush administration's various misadventures around the globe.

To keep Americans safe from the most dire threats, the Obama administration has to work with others. American power would not be enough, even if we had 10 times the enormous amount that we do. And, unfortunately, Amerca does not always get to choose its parners. In Kagan's world, we can solve the most dire and urgent threats with the assistance of our democratic allies alone. If only it were that easy.

But when your house is on fire, you don't get to pick the firefighters. When President Obama inherited a raging financial crisis that threatened to sink the world economy, he turned to the big economies in the Group of 20 nations to coordinate a solution. It's a pipedream to think America could have addressed this crisis without coordinating with Beijing and Delhi in addition to London and Berlin.

In the same vein, we cannot address climate change without China, cannot stem nuclear proliferation to terrorists without Russia, and cannot fight extremist action without Saudi Arabia. President Obama is not trying to improve relations with nondemocracies for the sake of it, as Kagan charge. Instead, the president is engaging them to solve these kinds of problems. American global leadership flows from its efforts to tackle common challenges and expand the common good.

A central challenge for America, then, is to get the major powers, some of which boast values we may not share, to nonetheless step up and support the system the United States created at the endo of World War II to address shared threats. This will take ongoing aggressive and creative diplomacy, which takes time and attention. If Kagan has a shortcut, he didn't reveal it.

We see results already. China and India would not have gone as far as they did on promises to reduce their carbon emissions if the Obama administration had not vigorously engaged on the climate negotiations. Both of these rapidly developing nations need to do more, of couse, as do we. Similarly, Russia would not be helping to pressure Iran on its nuclear program if our relationshp with Moscow had continued on its downward spiral.

None of thsi changes the fact that the United States will disagree with these powers on a host of issues and certainly on ideology. The president repeatedly displays his willingness to vigorously defend U.S. interests and values. The leaders in Beijing are hardly feeling coddled after President Obama last month announced a $6 billion arms package for Taiwan and welcomed the Dali Lama in the White House. This is not the kind of attention they want.

Moreover, Kagan's assertion that President Obama is not tending properly to American allies is base on very selective evidence. For every article that questions the special relationship with Britain are others that describe how its imore important than ever. Popular opinion in Europe toward the Untied Nations has skyrocketed since President Obama came to office -- German approval ratings of the United States more than doubled from 2008 to 2009. And the six trips to Eurpe, Kagan mentions hardly constitute inattention. There may be discontent in Europe, but at its root is Europe's identity cisis, not a lack of love from Washington.


That the president has also traveled to Asia shouldn't come as a surprise, given the deficit of attention to China policy in the Bush years and the blizzard of analysis noting the increasing importance of Asia. Paying attention to Asia is not ignoring democratic allies -- we have a whole bunch over there, too.

With one of them, Japan, tensions arose because a political party, the Democratic Party of Japan, which never before held power, won a historic election and questioned a basing agreement the Bush administration had meticulously negotiated. The issue is now getting resolved, and the alliance was never in doubt.

A nd some differences with out allies are inevitable. To expect otherwise is again to be nostalgic for the Cold War -- wihen the United States and their allies suppressed their differences in the face of a shared existential threat of the Soviet Union. Frictions are nothing new. Surely Kagan remembers the era of "freedom fries," when U.S.-France relations were at a historic low under the Bush administration.

Earlier this month, Israel created nw difficult dynamics for the peace proces with its surpise announcement of expanded settlement activity n Jerusalem during Vice President Joe Biden's visit. Even ourf very staunchest allies have to expect that Washington will react when they coplicate progress on a matter of U.S. security.

In the 21st century, we have newly potent threats and a changing multipolar wold, but conservatives offer the same olf hollow strategy. Clinging to this framework would be ore understandable if we hand't juust spent eight years proving how destructive that can be.

Nina Hachigian is a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress and the co-author of The Next American Century: How the United States can Thrive as Other Powers Rise (Simon and Schuster, 2008).

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